So, Tell Me If I am Arrogant

It's been years since the day my dad was gone. But I feel exactly like that day, the day that I realized that he was no more here to protect me. Yeah, I miss him and I need him now even more. I need him to protect me from people whom I told are my family, even the closest to a father I have now.

He's (my immature, selfish uncle) upset because:

1. I never spent a night in his home every time I was back in Maros. He said I should go to his house the very next day I arrive home, instead of going there to say goodbye a day before I leave Maros for Bandung. Yah, I did not come to his house just like the way he wants me to. You know why? Because the first time I was back to Maros, I was in Soppeng, Inna's home, and I heard the news that he went to MY HOUSE and got angry to my mom, insulted her that she was not capable to raise a child, bla... bla... bla.... He was not even stop when my mom said, "Remember you brother, which was my father, he must be watching you right now, being so angry and rude to me."

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I Hope Allah Give Me Strength to Stand My Immature, Selfish Uncle

People say: keep your friend close and your enemy closer. Yeah, they exactly have a logical explanation for that. Because it will be a lot easier to crush you from inside your very own castle, because they will know your weaknesses and the most important thing is, you will be less aware about their movement against you.

Guys, I can say, this year in my 21 years old, Allah is giving me harder tests. But this one I can say the hardest one. Ready to read it? Because I think I do need someone to share with.

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Tragedi Bulutangkis

Hari ini kita lagi PORSENI (Pekan Olah Raga dan Seni). Kalo ditanya aku lebih bisa olah raga atau seni, aku bakalan milih diam. Soalnya aku gak bakat di dua-duanya. Ibuku aja, sejak aku kecil selalu diledekin kalo nyanyi, katanya kalo aku nyanyi tuh, lurus-luruuus aja, mau ada tembok, ada pohon, gak bakal belok. Dengan kata lain, aku itu buta rabun nada, gak tau yang mana do yang mana re, bedanya cuman penyebutannya (do->bibir mengkerucut, re->bibir ketarik ke samping). Whatever. Tapi di sini kita gak bakalan ngomongin tentang bakat nyanyiku yang dari lahir udah dimentahkan sama ibuku sendiri. Ini tentang anak-anak kelasku waktu lagi lomba bulu tangkis di sekolah. Cekidot.

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Kangkung Tumis Saus Tiram--Lezat dan Murah--ala Nila

Beberapa hari ini, aku lebih sering masak dari hari-hari sebelumnya. Masakanku adalah kangkung dan ayam. Aku masih belum bisa berkreasi banyak dengan kangkung, jadinya, hanya ada kangkung tumis. Tapi aku bener-bener suka dengan kangukung tumis buatanku. Kangkung tumis saus tiram. Yummy.

Jadi ingat, dulu aku pernah masak kangkung tumus di rumah, dan adikku yang cowok menolak mentah-mentah, karena katanya rasanya seperti sayur mentah. Aku bener-bener gak tau apa yang salah. Tapi sekarang aku udah bisa masak kangkung tumis yang menggugah selera.

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